Some terms you need now
The pleasure of being in an Italian Restaurant
When you are in Italy and you seat for lunch, is nice to know the words used into Restaurant
and understand the special dishes from the Chef. Here you can listen the phrases you need in an Italian Restaurant
Here following some terms that you need when you are in a Italian Restaurant.
- Coperto __ Cover, service ……Read More…
- Tovagliolo __ Serviette ……Read and listen….
- Posate da tavola __ Table Cutlery……Read and listen….
- Forchetta __ Fork……Read and listen….
- Coltello __ Knife……Read and listen….
- Cucchiaio __ Tablespoon, soupspoon……Read and listen….
- Bicchiere ___ Glass or Tumbler Glass……Read and listen….
- Antipasto __ Starter, appetizer……Read more….
- Primo piatto __ First course like pasta,rice, soup……Read more….
- Secondo piatto __ Main meal, main course, mains……Read More….
- Contorno __ Side dish like salade……Read and listen….
- Dolce __ Sweet like cake or Ice cream
- Frutta __ Fruits
- Bevanda __ Drink, beverage, in general ……. Read more….
- Acqua Gassata __ Carbonated water, sparkling water……Read and listen….
- Acqua naturale __ Natural spring water……Read and listen….
- Piatto fondo __ Soup plate……Read more….
- Piatto piano __ Dinner plate……Read more….
- Un Bicchiere di vino __ Glass of wine… or goblet of wine …… Read and listen….
- Vini __ Wines…… Read and listen….
- Vino rosso __ Wine – red wine……Read and listen….
- Vino bianco __ White wine
- Vino da tavola __ Table wine
- Vino dolce __ Sweet wine
- Vino Secco __ Dry wine
- Vino amabile __ Amiable
- Degustazione di vino __ wine tasting
- Calice __Goblet
- Aceto di vino __ Wine vinegar
- Caffe espresso……Read More…
- Cucchiaino__Teaspoon
- Cameriere__Waiter
- Cameriera__waitress
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