Author Archives: eliantos63


Scottona  (young heifer). With name  SCOTTONA can be called the flesh of any young heifer not older than 15/16 months never been pregnant. So the term scottona means the kind of animal and not the type, and even the cutting of meat, from this it follows that with the term SCOTTONA is not defined  the quality

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Bistecca alla Fiorentina  (Cut of meat ” steak alla Fiorentina”). The cutting as Florentine, is cutted by the loin, must be with fillet and sirloin and must have a good amount of meat on both sides of the bone. Around the world is known as T bone, we can talk as steak (bistecca) when is a

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Cantarelle  ( the sweet of the poor). Cantarelle or cantarelli, also called the sweet of the poor. As children we played petrangola the evening near the fireplace eating cantarelle with saba Nomore of white flour and a handful of cornmeal, water and oil with a pinch of salt, all mixed to make a thick batter to

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Saba sweet (must). It ‘s an extract of grape which must be taken immediately after crushing before it begins to boil in the wine vat. With 10 liters of must are obtained 2.5 liters of Saba. The procedure is simple, you put to boil the wort low heat, stirring until the content becomes half. Allow

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